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Worship Intentionally

Writer: Pamm HoebenPamm Hoeben

One of the things missing in many Christians’ lives is to purposely set aside time to focus and worship the Lord on Good Friday. Traditionally a lot of people praise Jesus for the resurrection on Easter Sunday and are occupied on Good Friday to get ready for Easter. We should intentionally take the time to stop and meditate on Jesus’ actions. We can worship Him for being willing to be tortured, mocked and experience Father God turning His back on Him. He would be completely alone for the first time in His life.

Why is it called “Good” Friday? Jesus Christ was the only sinless God-man and only His death could provide the perfect atoning sacrifice for sin. It was a good Friday because something that was greatly needed and never happened before miraculously took place! The perfect sacrifice for our sin, Jesus, willingly gave up His life for us and endured inconceivable emotional and physical pain. Consequently, when we accept Jesus’ payment for our sin, He cleanses us of our sin and gives us a right standing with God. Father God, in His unending mercy and grace made salvation possible, and we receive the gift of eternal life through Jesus Christ. If Good Friday didn’t have a slot of time for you to meditate, praise and worship Jesus for His sacrifice, any day will work. It will restore the joy of your salvation.

Prayer Tip #14 - Worship Intentionally

“Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, and into an inheritance that can never perish, spoil or fade. This inheritance is kept in heaven for you.”

1 Peter 1:3-4

Man of sorrows what a name

for the Son of God, who came

ruined sinners to reclaim:

Hallelujah, what a Savior!

On Good Friday, we remember Christ's crucifixion as the perfect lamb sacrificed for us. However, we remember the joy that will come three days later in our grief. On this Good Friday, may you be blessed. He'll be resurrected very soon! (

Prayer Points – (Pray over these requests)

  • Help us to set aside time to meditate on Your willingness to offer Yourself up for us.

  • We ask that we have the focus to worship You precious Jesus.

  • Give us the boldness to witness of Your gift of salvation.

  • We praise You Lord for Your sacrifice.

Dear Lord, We honor You for Your great sacrificial love for us. I will set aside time for worshiping You for Your willingness to suffer and die for mankind. May I have consistent boldness to witness for You. Thank You for Your perfect example



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