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Walk in the Freedom of Christ

Emma Staubs

Women’s Prayer Team - Week 37

What was your favorite gift that you've ever received? I remember whenever I was asked this question I knew the answer immediately. Drum roll please: The Nintendo Wii. It was Christmas 2012, and I so desperately wanted a Nintendo Wii. I would see these fun and crazy commercials promoting this gaming system that you could play with your family. You could virtually bowl, play tennis, golf, or even play baseball. However, I wasn't the only kid in 2012 that wanted the Wii for Christmas. It was sold out everywhere.

My nagging didn't cease towards my mom about the ONLY Christmas present I wanted that year. Eventually she had this very serious talk with me about how the Nintendo Wii was just too much money for her to spend. I had never heard my mom mention money as an issue, so whenever she told me this I knew it must be serious. For the rest of December I didn't bring it up one time. Whenever Christmas came, I was as excited as any other 13-year-old, but I was also disappointed because I knew the one gift I wanted wasn't under the tree. Everyone began opening their presents in order like we usually do. As I was opening my last present I saw my sister begin to video record me. I pulled away the wrapping paper so fast and read letters that spelled Wii. My dream present was sitting in my lap! I very loudly screamed and ran around the house. I remember thanking my mom the rest of the day for giving me this gift even though it cost a lot of money!

One of the things I love about this true story is that the moment I received my gift, I didn't ask if I could pay my mom back or ask if she was sure. Instead, I jumped up, screamed, and ran around my house with excitement. In the same way, Christ gives us the Free Gift of Salvation but how often do we walk in that Freedom, or in my case, scream and run through the house.

PRAYER TIP #37 – Walk in the Freedom of Christ.

I've heard many Pastors get up on stage and say, "What if you actually started living like you were free?" I heard it again this past week and that's really the inspiration for this email. I need the reminder to walk in Christ's freedom and act like I am the daughter of the King, because I am. So what is the thing, person, or circumstance that's causing you to be held captive? I am very aware that Christ paid for my sins and yours, but sometimes my circumstances seem so much bigger than Christ. It sounds crazy saying it out loud, but that is how a lot of us are living our lives.

John 1:45-46

"For freedom Christ has set us free; stand firm therefore, and do not submit again to a yoke of slavery."

In this passage, Paul reminds, encourages and warns us. He reminds us that Christ has set us free, he encourages us to stand firm in that truth, and he warns us to not submit to the yoke of slavery anymore. My hope for us is that we wouldn't return to our yoke of slavery. That we wouldn't let anything get in the way of the calling God has given us individually. That Christ would be in our direct sight and everything else in our peripheral. That we would act like we are free, because we are. We have been made a new creation. We were not made new so we could return to the things that were holding us captive, but we were made new to Glorify God and it's impossible to do so if we're not actively walking in the Freedom of Christ. Let us be Women who are real and honest in our struggles but also confident and secure in the Freedom set before us by Christ.

Prayer Points:

  • Lord, show me what is holding me back from fully walking in the Freedom you have given me.

  • Lord, give me opportunities to talk about your forgiveness and freedom to the people around me.

  • Jesus, give me the courage to daily surrender my strongholds to you.

  • Father God, I pray that You would show me the enemies distractions and allow me to overcome them.

Suggested Prayer - Pray these words in your heart or out loud:


I come before You, and thank You for the free gift of Salvation. I praise You for never doubting Your sacrifice. Jesus, today I ask that You would give me Your strength to overcome my strongholds. I pray that I would walk in Your freedom for today and the rest of my life. Father, I pray that I wouldn't get distracted by the world but would always have my eyes on You. Reveal to me the areas that I haven't fully given to You, Lord. Lead me in the way everlasting.

In Jesus Name, I pray, Amen.

In Christ Alone,

Emma Staubs



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