Women's Prayer Team - Week 34
"The law of the Lord is perfect,
refreshing the soul."
Proverbs 19:7
After a long and hot summer, waking up to these first few fall mornings has been
glorious. We all love summer-time, but there’s just something about fall that can make us feel refreshed and re-energized. We probably all have our favorite coffee drinks that we enjoy during this time, or our favorite places to browse fall home décor. And what is the one word we see over and over during this time? Harvest. Harvest season is the time of year when the crops are ripe and ready to be picked. The season when they have reached their full potential, and are radiant in color and taste. That harvesting – that time of gathering – is what those who have sown the seeds and tended to the gardens, have waited for all year long. They gather their crops with expectancy and anticipation, knowing their long-awaited season of plenty has arrived.
Several years ago, the Holy Spirit brought to my attention that I was living in defeat. I
felt empty and void, dissatisfied and longing for more. As I began to pray and study the
Scriptures, God opened my eyes to realize that I was not intentionally gathering up the harvest of blessing that He intended for me to experience. I was not thoroughly experiencing the ripe and radiant crop that was mine to enjoy. He showed me that in order to truly implement and identify with His truth, I had to believe that His truth was mine for the taking. I needed a personal revival – a reminder of who I was in Christ, and all that was biblically mine as a child of God. He revealed to me in a personal way that,
“His divine power has given us everything we need for a godly life through our knowledge of Him who called us by His own glory and goodness."
2 Peter 1:3
When we decide to place God’s truth in its proper position we will discover life-changing
freedom and victory. When His Word becomes the ultimate standard of truth in our lives, we begin to weigh every thought and action against that very standard. Simply put: When
something doesn’t measure up to the standard that God sets as truth, then it simply is not true. When we begin to distinguish truth from falsehood, the battles we face – even those in our minds – will not own us the way they once did. The only way we will ever effectively combat the lies that have us in bondage, is to expose God’s truth in the face of the lies we have believed. Knowing, believing, and acting upon the Truth are key to experiencing the freedom and victory that are ours in Christ Jesus.
So, how do we do this? One way is to be intentional about implementing a study method into our quiet times with the Lord. For years, I have used a particular practice called the 3 Question Method in my study of the Word of God. This can be done with any verse or passage of Scripture. Choose a Psalm and walk through it verse by verse this fall, as an idea! You will be blessed as the Lord uses His Word to minister personally to you through this method of study.
May your harvest season yield abundant and lasting blessing, as you gather up truth for
your heart through His Word! And may you too, experience your own personal revival – for His Word truly does refresh our souls.
"The law of the Lord is perfect, refreshing the soul. The statutes of the Lord are trustworthy, making wise the simple."
Psalms 19:7
Prayer Points: Please pray over these requests:
Lord, I praise You that Your Divine Power has given me everything I need to live a godly life.
Lord, help me to gather up the harvest of blessing that You intend for me to experience.
Jesus, I praise You for the victory Your death and resurrection has purchased for me, now and in the future.
Heavenly Father,
I praise You for the unique season of life that I am in. Open my eyes to the harvest of blessings You intend for me to experience. Lord, help me to know, believe, and act on the truth found in Your Word. Your truth has helped me to discover life-changing power and victory. I praise You that Your Divine Power has given me everything I need to live a godly life. In Jesus' Name, Amen.
In Christ,
Heather Neese
P.S. Look below for the "3 Question Bible Study Method", Shared by Heather Neese.
3 Question Bible Study Method
For studying Scripture verse-by-verse
1. What does God’s Word say?
List the facts.
Be literal. Make a verse-by-verse list of the most obvious facts using the actual words from the passage itself. Do not paraphrase. Do not get caught up in the details. Ask yourself: Who is speaking? Who is the subject? Where is it taking place? When did it happen?
2. What does God’s Word mean?
Learn the lessons.
Be spiritual. Look for a spiritual lesson or principle within each fact. Ask yourself: What are the people in the passage doing that I should be doing? Is there a command I should obey? A promise I should claim? A warning I should heed? An example I should follow?
3. What does God’s Word mean to me?
Listen to His voice.
Be personal. Put the lessons you found in Question 2 into the form of a question that you would ask yourself or your child, spouse, parent, neighbor, co-worker, friend or church member. As you write out the questions, listen for God to communicate to you through His Word. Don’t rush. Take the time to prayerfully meditate and discover what God is saying to you.
3 Question Bible Study Directions, taken from annegrahamlotz.com.
“Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.” (Psalm 46:10)
1. What does God’s Word say?
Be still. Know that I am God. I will be exalted among the nations and in the earth.
2. What does God’s Word mean?
As believers, we can rest in knowing that God has everything in His control, even when it seems that things are out of control.
3. What does God’s Word mean to me?
In what areas of life do I need to rest in knowing that God is in control? Am I striving to control things, that I really need to surrender? What steps can I take to daily trust God with my circumstances, knowing that He loves me and is with me?