Women's Prayer Team - Week #30
This time last year, I was hospitalized for a series of severe panic attacks. I have truly never been so afraid in my life. I couldn't sleep, eat, or even function normally. Everything caused me such intense anxiety. I eventually couldn't breathe, and my heart rate would jump back and forth from 55 bpm to 120 bpm. Towards the end of this horrible episode, I checked myself into my local emergency room where I sat for hours taking test after test. My mother eventually made her way to the hospital to sit with me. I will never forget the look on her face. My mother has always put on a brave face for me and my brothers, but I don't think she was able to muster one up. She was just as scared as me. It was in that moment that I truly doubted the goodness of God.
Prayer Tip # 30 – Take your doubts to God.
"Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for You are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me."
Psalm 23:4
"It is when we notice the dirt that God is most present in us;
it is the very sign of His presence."
C.S Lewis
I just could not fathom how a loving God would allow me to go through such pain and turmoil. I imagined Him sitting up in Heaven just watching me go through these terrifying moments. I started to doubt Him and His plans for my life. I was beyond angry and frustrated with Him, and I started to distance myself from God. I didn't want to be in the Word or talk to Him. One night in my spirit, I decided to pray for the first time in months. I was still very frustrated and angry, but I heard very clearly, "Bring them to Me." I felt the Lord calling me to lay my doubts and burdens at His feet, and I did just that. I wept and wept and gave it all to Jesus. For months I had been giving God the silent treatment because I figured He wouldn't want to hear how mad I was with Him. All I had to do was bring my doubts and questions before Him. He gave me a peace and comfort that I cannot even explain.
It is very natural for us as humans to have our questions and doubts. We are broken people living in a broken world, and God is very aware of this. God is so sovereign and infinite, we will never run out of questions. It is not wrong to have doubts or questions, unless we bring them to the wrong place. If we let the enemy have any kind of hold on those doubts, he will certainly have his way with them. When we bring them before God, He will listen and remain near to us. It can be a comfort to us all that God will correct us when we need it.
Prayer Points: Please pray over these requests:
Father, Thank You for never leaving my side.
Father, help me to trust You and Your plans for my life
Lord, be with me when I walk through dark valleys.
Lord, Thank You for Your living Word that I can rely on for the rest of my days.
Dear Heavenly Father,
You are always good, and always faithful. Even when I walk through dark valleys, You are my Shepherd that guides my every step. Thank You for carrying my burdens and letting me lay them down at Your feet. I am unworthy of such mercy, but You freely give it to me. Thank You for the work done on the Cross, so that I may live for Your glory.
In Jesus' Name, Amen.
For His Glory,
Haley Thorpe