As believers, we need to practice the habit of talking to the Lord in prayer while the noisy world swirls around us. Medieval spiritual directors called this practice "mental prayer." To help keep your focus, close your eyes in order to shield yourself from distractions. Then, begin your prayer by remembering what God has done for you and others and thank Him for His mercies. Fix your mind on a biblical truth and meditate on it. Next, silently speak to the Lord from your heart. This method is effective in hospital waiting rooms, airports, and many other places.
Prayer Tip # 6 - Take a Blessing Break "Be still and know that I am God" Psalm 46:10
"(God's people) should not be fearful, nor fretful and impatient, or restless and tumultuous; but be quiet and easy, resigned to the will of God, and live in an assured expectation of the appearance of divine Providence in their layout. And "know"; own and acknowledge that he is God, a sovereign Being that does whatsoever he pleases; that he is unchangeable in his nature, purposes, promises, and covenant; that he is omnipotent, able to help them and deliver them at the last extremity; that he is omniscient, knows their persons, cases, and troubles, and how and where to hide them till the storm is over; that he is the all wise God, and does all things after the counsel of his own will, and makes all things work together for good to them; and that he is faithful to his word and promise, and will not suffer them to be over pressed and bore down with troubles."
- John Gill
PRAYER POINTS- (Pray to the Lord)
Thank the Lord for His graciousness.
Ask God to help you establish the habit of mental prayer.
Pray that God would grow your ability to focus on Him.
Fix your mind on a biblical truth.
Pray to the Lord from your heart.
Dear Father, I thank You for Your many blessings to us and Your love that surrounds us. I ask that You would help me to form the habit of mental prayer during the times I have the opportunity to do so. I choose to focus on Your presence at these times and ignore the distractions that try to break my concentration on You. As I am still, I lay out my requests to You, my most gracious Heavenly Father. In Jesus' Name, Amen