We are in the middle of our annual Missions Conference! This is one of the highlights of
the year for us at Mid-Way. This year, we have five Missionary families that will be
sharing with us their call to take the Gospel message around the world. Their surrender
and obedience to the Lord inspires me and sharpens me.
One of the biggest challenges in the church today is finding workers for the harvest.
This challenge is not new. It’s been around since Jesus said the words in Matthew.
Matthew 9:37-38
Then He said to His disciples, “The harvest truly is plentiful, but the laborers
are few. Therefore pray the Lord of the harvest to send out
laborers into His harvest.”
In the Kingdom of God, there is always work to be done. There is always more work to
be accomplished than there are workers. The need is great, and eternity is on the line.
We need men and women to rise up and answer the call to serve the Lord in full time
Christian ministry: Missionaries, Pastors, preachers, teachers, church workers, kids
ministry leaders, and youth leaders. There are so many ways that you can serve the
Lord in full time ministry.
I was challenged recently by a message I heard. The speaker said, “What If you only
had 10 years left, and we knew Christ would return at the end of those ten years,
how would that change the way you live your life?”
That stuck with me. How do I want to invest the next ten years of my life? How do you?
I believe that we would choose to intentionally live our lives with a sense of urgency.
Would you live your life in such a way that those around you would be impacted by the
gospel if you knew you only had 10 years left to serve God and share the gospel. I think
it would radically change our lives.
But the fact is we don’t know how much time we have. We don’t know when Jesus will
return. But we DO KNOW that there is work to be done and that we are to pray to
the Lord of the Harvest to send out laborers into his Harvest. That’s what our focus
is on this week. Whether that be full-time missionary work in another nation, whether
that be full-time Christian work in the church, or supporting and praying for those who
are following the command to get the gospel out. It’s our job to be faithful. It’s our job to
say yes, and share with this generation how they can know Jesus and have a real and
personal relationship with Him.
What about you? Have you felt a call to full-time Christian work to be a part of furthering
the gospel of Jesus Christ? God is still calling. God is still saving. God is still working in
our generation. Will we answer the call to follow? Or will we sit on the sidelines? Will
you put your “yes” on the table and say like Isaiah, “Here am I! Send me.”
Isaiah 6:8
Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying: “Whom shall I send, And who will go for Us?” Then I said, “Here am I! Send me.”
What is God calling you to say “yes” to today? Is God calling you to do full-time mission
work? Is God stirring in your heart a desire to be in full-time to serve him through the
local church? Is God calling you to do an internship, or to serve him full-time in kids
ministry. Or is God calling you to simply start serving now during the services at your
local church? God is always calling. Will you answer the call?
Prayer Points:
Jesus, help me to say "yes" to whatever you call me to.
Lord, I want to be a part of seeing the gospel message go out in my generation.
Father, I pray that you would call and send laborers into the harvest.
Holy Spirit, please convict and call those who You want in full time Christian service and make it clear to them.
Father God,
I pray to You, the Lord of the Harvest, that You will send out laborers into Your Harvest. There is much work to do, but we need more workers in your fields. Please call out those who can make an impact in our generation. Give them a clear call and peace to obey. Help them to confidently follow You wherever you lead them.
In Jesus' mighty Name, Amen
In Christ Alone,
Michelle Staubs