Jesus is our ultimate example as we walk our Christian journey. As Christ Followers, we are to model our healthy patterns for this journey from Jesus Christ. When we look through the first four books of the New Testament, the Gospels - Matthew, Mark, Luke & John - we can see 37 verses in which Jesus refers to prayer. In these 37 verses on prayer, 33 of them are addressed to a plural, not a singular audience. So, it seems that Jesus' instruction shows us great benefit in praying with others, rather than just praying alone.
Prayer Tip #3 - Pray Together!
"These all continued with one accord in prayer and supplication,"
- Acts 1:14a
There is great benefit in praying together. There is added power when we unite with fellow Christians to join our hearts and make our collective requests known to our Heavenly Father. I had a professor in college that referred to fellow Christ Followers as "fellow strugglers", and that resonated so strongly with me - we are all in this together - the good, the bad, and the unlovely of life! What a gift we have to bring our praises, needs and requests before our God together! We have been called to walk this journey together. I can think of no better way than by edifying and equipping one another through praying together!
"Bear one another's burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ."
- Galatians 6:2
We can know Jesus better when we pray together, in His Name, with others who have a genuine love for Him. With our limited vision and finite wisdom, there are aspects of Christ we aren't able to see as clearly as others. Our own experiences and God-given character traits emphasize certain features of His splendor, and at the same time, can make us blind to some of Christ's other traits.
Author Tim Keller eloquently wrote that,
"By praying with friends, you will be able to hear and see facets of Jesus
that you have not yet perceived."
The Bible gives us example after example of early church Christians and accounts of when they came together to pray:
The church prayed together over the men appointed to serve the widows (Acts 6:6).
While the prophets and teachers were praying and fasting together, Paul and Barnabas were called to go on their first missionary journey (Acts 13:1-2).
Paul and Silas were praying together when God sent an earthquake that resulted in the conversion of the jailer and their release (Acts 16:25).
And so many more examples are in God's Word - I challenge you to find some too!
PRAYER POINTS- (Pray over these requests)
That we would hold tight to the absolute wonder of praying together.
That we would praise the Father because, through Jesus, we have access to the very ear of God.
That we would give praise because our great and awesome God actually stops to listen to us.
That we would recognize that God our Father is more ready to hear from us than we are to speak.
That we would not forget the importance of collectively bringing our praises, confessions, and requests before God with one another.
Dear Gracious Father,
I praise You for the wonder of You, and the gift You have given us in our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ. It is my heart's desire to never lose sight of the joy it is to serve You, come to You, and glorify You with those that You have gifted me to do life with. Thank You for giving us those around us to sharpen us, equip us and better us through You and Your Word. Thank You for giving us access to You together.
In Jesus' Name, Amen.