One of the things I miss (Aaron does not) about the States is Amazon. Do you feel me ladies? While some items still ship here, we don’t have the luxury of two-day shipping, and shipping fees are often very high. Instead, we have a local version called "Lazada." It’s cheaper and offers a wide variety of things, but have found ourselves playing a game of “hit or miss” when we open our packages. Recently, we were so excited to order a teapot for only $5, only for it to arrive the perfect size for a baby tea party! This happens frequently with rugs, toys, beach balls, clothes—the saying is true, we got what we paid for.
But there’s one thing I know to be true: the person delivering my Lazada packages (on their motorcycle, quite impressive) isn’t responsible for what’s inside. They have one job: to bring the package to me. They don’t control what’s in it, nor are they responsible for how I use it. Their only role is to get the package to me.
This is exactly the role we play when it comes to sharing the Gospel. We have the greatest news ever to share, but the message is not ours—it’s Christ’s. We are merely the messengers. We are not responsible for how people receive the Gospel or how they choose to respond. This truth takes all the pressure off of us and frees us to boldly share our faith with others.
All year I have been studying the New Testament along with Mid-Way, and currently we are reading through the book of Acts—one of my favorites in the Bible. The theme is clear: God’s people shared the Gospel despite persecution, and even when they faced rejection, the Word of God continued to grow. All Paul and the other disciples had to do was "remain faithful to the Lord with steadfast purpose", trusting that God would bring the increase! Remain faithful to the Lord, that is all He asks of us.
“When he came and saw the grace of God, he was glad, and he exhorted them all to remain faithful to the Lord with steadfast purpose.”
Acts 11:23
We see Paul and Barnabas, for example. They were driven out of Antioch for preaching the Good News. But what did they do? Acts 13:51-52 tells us that they didn’t quit or let discouragement win. They moved on to a new city and continued to boldly proclaim the Gospel. “But they shook off the dust from their feet against them, and came to Iconium. And the disciples were filled with joy and with the Holy Spirit.”
When people reject the Gospel or don’t respond to it like we want them to, it’s not personal to us, nor does it mean we didn’t share it adequately enough. We shake the dust off and take the message to someone else who desperately needs to hear it.
Living overseas has only amplified my awareness of the urgent need for the Gospel. People everywhere are in need of Jesus, they need to hear the Good News of what God has done for them. But who will be the messenger? Who will deliver the answer to life’s deepest problems? We may not be able to reach everyone, but we can ALL reach someone.
Here in Manila, with a population of roughly 114 million, it’s impossible for us to reach them all. But praise God, He is using us to reach some. Just two weeks ago after church, Shiloh and I were sitting on a bench feeding fish when we connected with a young family. We shared the Gospel with them, and while the wife seemed to understand and identify as a believer, the husband was skeptical of God and church. They live right next to our church, and by God’s grace, they attended church with us that Sunday. I was nervous the whole service —praying they would take that step toward Christ. But God gently reminded me that I am not the one doing the saving. It’s not up to me—or to the church—whether the worship was perfect, or the preaching was well-received, that’s not what it’s about. We are just the messengers. Praise God for that! While we were able to have a great discussion after the service, “M & M” we will call them, still have not made the decision to receive Christ, yet! But that doesn’t mean we failed, that doesn’t mean we stop delivering God’s message.
Our job is to be faithful to God, and He will do what He always has done - multiply His church. Who in your life can you share the Good News with this week? Maybe even today! The good thing is, unlike our Lazada packages, the Gospel is for everyone and will never come up short or disappoint. It is everything we need and so much more!
Prayer Tip #10: Pray to Share the Gospel
Prayer Points:
Jesus, thank You for the Good News.
Lord, give me a faith like the apostles had to share the message of salvation with others.
Jesus, give me a boldness to share my faith with those who don't know You.
God, help me to not miss opportunities to share Your Word because of busyness, fear, pride, or apathy.
Lord, help me to reach every tribe, tongue, people, and nation.
Personal Prayer:
Thank You, Lord, for the Good News—the best news ever. Thank You for saving me, for the people who shared the message of salvation with me, and for choosing to use us as Your messengers. Give me faith like the apostles had. Help me to be bold in sharing my faith, knowing that people desperately need You. Help me not to miss opportunities to share Your Word because of busyness, fear, pride, or apathy. Use us to reach every tribe, tongue, people, and nation. I pray that You would continue to work in the lives and hearts of “M & M” and that they would trust in You as their Savior.
In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Lani Stephens