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Pray To Put Jesus First - 12.18.20

Writer: Jordan BeatonJordan Beaton

My whole life my Dad has called me "harum scarum", the dictionary term meaning reckless. I wouldn't consider myself reckless, but as a young girl, I was constantly in a hurry, on the move, and always losing or breaking things. Every time we would sit down to eat, I would spill my drink or drop my food. My Dad would call me this to remind me to be careful and to slow down. Although it was meant in light-hearted fun when I was little, I still see that same characteristic in myself as I have gotten older, specifically during this time and season. If I'm not physically doing something, my mind is racing with different things that need to be done. We live in a world where a hundred different things beg for our attention. But, are we slowing down and making room for the most important thing?

Prayer Tip #32 - Pray to Put Jesus First

"But Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart." - Luke 2:19-20

Jesus had just been born and everyone was scurrying to share this great news, but Mary took a moment to reflect on all that had just happened and possibly all that would happen in the future life of her Son. She was taking time to focus on the most important thing, Jesus. We live in a world that seeks to crowd out Jesus. We have even managed to take Christmas, a holiday that is meant to celebrate the birth of our Savior, and have turned it into a time that is all about ourselves.

The truth is, it takes an active and daily choice to put Christ first, especially in a culture that says you're too busy to focus on this truth. Or that life is too full. And there's simply no more room. Time with the Lord will not happen by accident. May God help us to choose wisely, what voices we listen to, and where we give our attention this Christmas season. May we stop and ponder on all of the things that the Lord has done for us. He is the reason for Christmas. He is the reason we have eternal hope. From the cradle to the cross. He is the only One worthy of our time and attention as we slow down in the rush around our lives.

Prayer Points- (Pray over these requests)

  • Pray and find time to spend with God in prayer and His Word.

  • Pray for opportunities during this season to help point others to Jesus, the One who is the reason for Christmas.

  • Pray and thank God for Jesus' birth, His death, and His resurrection.

  • Ask God to help you keep Him first in your time and attention.

  • Ask God to reveal things in your life that you may need to give up or change to make room for Him.


Dear Lord,

Thank You for this Christmas season and for the birth of Your Son, Jesus. Thank You for sending Him to earth so that He may die in my place, so that I may have a relationship with You. I praise You for the victory of His resurrection. Help me to share that Good News with others during this Christmas season. Forgive me for the times that I have failed to put You first in my life. Reveal areas in my life that I may need to change or give up in order to make room for You. Help me to find time away each day to spend with You. I desire for You to be the main focus of my time and attention. Help me to remember what You have done for me. You are so good and so worthy of my praise.

In Jesus' Name, Amen



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