Women's Prayer Team - Week #18
Sometimes we can be so preoccupied in our lives that we fail to perceive the God-given opportunities He gives us because we think of them as an interruption. God may ask us to take a step of faith by prompting us to help the needy, start a new job, take a mission trip, or share the gospel. The story of the Good Samaritan tells how he willingly stopped to help a dying person laying in the road that he did not know. Even though it cost him time and money to help the wounded man he recognized and acted on the God-given opportunity. He responded with compassion that revealed his dedication to the Lord. We also reveal our true spiritual condition by how we respond to the opportunities God sends our way. I know that I must have unexpectedly passed up God assigned opportunities. Now I pray that I will be aware and respond when another opportunity comes my way.
Prayer Tip # 18 – Help us to discern between an obstacle and an opportunity.
“Yet it shall not be so among you; but whoever desires to become great among you shall be your servant.”
Mark 10:43
“How we respond to opportunities reveals our heart towards those who are less fortunate. If we are reluctant to give our time, attention, money, and effort to help the needy, then we need to take a good look at our relationship with God. Regardless of your situation in life, He has provided you with unique opportunities to make a difference in other people’s lives.”
Charles Stanley
Something unexpected happened to me when I worked on staff in a church in Charlotte, NC. When I arrived at work, one of the staff pastors told me there was a young lady sitting in the parking lot all night and needed to speak to someone. She agreed to come in my office and told me she was planning to kill herself. I could tell she was very fragile and asked her when was the last time she ate. She replied that she was so depressed that she hadn’t eaten for days. I immediately went to get crackers and juice and she began to eat with my prompting. My heart felt great compassion for her, and I counseled her for a few months. She had experienced a very rough ride in life. During the counseling sessions the Lord healed her emotional wounds. She then went on with her life and I lost touch with her. Later, I found out that she got voted into the position of being on a school board in North Carolina for several terms. She fought for conservative rights in the school system and won important battles for the betterment of the children. God brought her from being suicidal to being a strong Christian influence in the secular school system.
Prayer Points: Please pray over these requests:
Thank You Lord for giving us opportunities.
Help us to recognize when You are guiding us to step up and help someone.
We accept Your guidance as a blessing.
We receive Your wisdom that directs us in reaching out to others.
Dear Lord, thank You for allowing us to participate with You in helping people that cannot help themselves. We ask Your forgiveness for when we have overlooked the opportunity You gave us. Help us to be sensitive to the Holy Spirits’ promptings and faithfully walk into the situation You have presented. May we be willing to use money, time, and effort in the opportunity when necessary.
In Jesus' Name, Amen.
Walk in truth,
Pamela Hoeben