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Pray For Courage to Walk Across the Room - 3.19.21

Writer: Jordan BeatonJordan Beaton

Updated: Mar 22, 2021

Jesus set the perfect example of evangelism for us. Around 2,000 years ago, He stepped down from Heaven's perfection, and took a walk across the cosmos in order to offer redemption to a hurting and lost world. In all of our brokenness and sin, Christ left what was comfortable in order to offer us hope and life.

According to Pastor Bill Hybels, the goal for every Christian is to reflect Christ’s love and follow His example by taking simple walks across rooms, leaving one’s circles of comfort and extending hands of care, compassion, and inclusiveness to people living far from God. Yet we so often fail to do the very thing that was done for us.

“For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though He was rich, yet for your sakes He became poor, that you through His poverty might become rich."

2 Corinthians 8:9

Prayer Tip #12 – Pray for Courage to Walk Across the Room

A walk across the room is all it took for the trajectory of my life to be radically changed. A man who worked at the printing shop took the time to invest in my dad and invited him into his home and life. After many game nights, and lots of inviting, my parents finally agreed to visit their church. Not long after, both my mom and dad gave their lives to Christ and began serving Him together.

What this man didn't know is that my dad would go on to surrender to ministry and start a church. He didn't know that because of his invite, generations to come would be changed, that three kids would now be raised to know, love, and serve Jesus. Broken homes ran by alcohol and drugs would now be centered on Jesus! He didn't know the impact his invite would have, all he knew was that the Holy Spirit was leading him and he needed to be obedient.

All God needs is our obedience! He doesn't call us to save the whole world. But He does call us to take up our cross and follow Him, denying ourselves. Christ became poor for our sake. Obedience may cost you something - your comfort, time, money, etc. But the gain is worth the cost. You can't save the whole world, but you can die to yourself and choose to walk across the room to whoever the Lord lays in front of you today!

Prayer Points –

  • Thank God for the great sacrifices He has made to know you.

  • Praise God for those who brought the Gospel to you and your family.

  • Pray for courage to do whatever the Lord is asking of you.

  • Pray for the Lord to lay someone on your heart that you can invite to church or share your story with - Easter is coming up and it is a great opportunity to invite others to join you who normally wouldn't attend church.

  • Pray that you would be attentive to the Holy Spirit's leading in your life.


God, I thank You for the great sacrifices that You have made for me. I can never repay You for the cost that it took for me to have a relationship with You! Lord I am humbly asking You for the courage to do whatever You ask of me. Put someone in my path and lay someone on my heart that I can invite to church or share my story with. As I am out and about, help me to see the people around me as souls who need You! Give me eyes to see people the way You do. I surrender to Your Holy Spirit. Help me to be attentive to Your leading in my life. Thank You for those who had the courage to do whatever it took to get the Gospel to me! Help me to do whatever it takes to see those around me come to know You.

In Jesus' Name, Amen.



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