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Pray About Sharing Your Faith - 12.11.20

As a Christian, we often hear the word, "gospel" on a regular basis. But, have we ever really slowed down and examined in our hearts what the Gospel truly means to us? The Gospel literally means "Good News". If you have placed your faith in Jesus Christ, you've heard this "Good News" at one time. Oh, that we may never lose the wonder of this Good News that is salvation! But, the Gospel doesn't stop at our personal salvation. We are told throughout Scripture to SHARE this Good News with others!

Prayer Tip #31 - Pray About Sharing Your Faith

"Sing to the Lord, bless His name; Proclaim the good news of His salvation from day to day. Declare His glory among the nations, His wonders among all peoples."

- Psalm 96:2-3

Verse 2 states, "Proclaim the good news of His salvation from day to day." We have so many opportunities to share the Gospel from day to day. Think about the people you do life with - family, friends, coworkers, neighbors, etc. One way to share this "Good News" is by inviting someone to church! We have several events coming up at Mid-Way that you could invite someone to so that they may hear the Gospel for the first time!

  • Mid-Way's Christmas Musical - THIS weekend - December 11-13th - FREE event...Tickets may be reserved at

  • Ladies Christmas Gathering - Friday, December 18th - 7:00pm - FREE event...Tickets may be reserved at

We know through these events, that those who attend will be under the sound of the Gospel. Will you pray for the LORD to burden your heart to invite someone to attend with you or watch online together?

Prayer Points- (Pray over these requests)

  • Our upcoming church-wide events - Mid-Way's Christmas Musical & Ladies Christmas Gathering

  • For the LORD to give you boldness to share your faith.

  • For the LORD to lay someone on your heart to share your faith with or invite them to these two events at Mid-Way.

  • For God to open people's hearts to the truth of the Gospel message.


Dear Lord,

Thank You for the Good News of Your salvation. May I never lose the wonder of what You have provided through Your sacrifice on the cross. I pray You would specifically put someone on my heart to share my faith with, or lay someone on my heart to invite to one of these upcoming events. Give me boldness in talking about You with those You lay on my heart.

In Jesus' Name, Amen



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