This week, through a set of circumstances, I was reminded again of how important prayer is. With so much going on in our community and Nation, we need to pray now more than ever. And I thank each of you for covering our church family in prayer. God has been so gracious to us in so many ways since March, and I ask you to press on in your prayers for our entire church family. PRAYER TIP # 17 - Postures of Prayer "For this reason I bow my knees to the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, from whom the whole family in heaven and earth is named, that He would grant you, according to the riches of His glory, to be strengthened with might through His Spirit in the inner man, that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith; that you, being rooted and grounded in love, may be able to comprehend with all the saints what is the width and length and depth and height- to know the love of Christ which passes knowledge; that you may be filled with all the fullness of God." -Ephesians 3:14-19 Last Sunday, Pastor Grant preached on the Apostle Paul's posture of prayer. He was on his knees praying for others, while in prison. Have you ever bowed on your knees in prayer? If not, I encourage you to do it if you're able to. There's something special about bowing on our knees before our King to go before His throne to seek help in time of need. When Pastor Grant was sick in the hospital, I had a dear friend call me. And they told me, "Michelle, I am literally on my knees praying for you and your family." That really struck me, that someone would get on their knees in prayer for Grant and our family. What difference does it make what posture of prayer we have? I believe that we go to our knees when we are in desperation, and humbly seeking the hand of God to help us. It shows that we are physically declaring that "Jesus is Lord" with our posture as we pray. 3:30 Prayer Challenge - Text a friend and set up a Prayer time to pray with them this week! Two praying together will make a difference for God's Kingdom. This Week's Prayer Points - (Pray over these requests);
That God would continue to protect our entire church family from evil, sickness, depression, discouragement, lack of faith, and the coronavirus.
That God would bind the enemy in Jesus' Name.
That God would increase our faith in Him.
That Jesus, our King, would hear our humble prayer from Heaven and help us as only He can.
SUGGESTED PRAYER - Lord, I come to You in Jesus' Name and I ask for Your mighty hand of protection to cover our entire church family. Please hold every member, visitor, staff member, Small Group teacher, officer, and leader in your protective hand. Please heal every person that is sick, comfort every person who has experienced loss or depression, send Your presence to everyone that is lonely and hurting, and lay Your healing hand on those who have the coronavirus. Bring true joy to those who need it today. God, we give You all the praise, honor and glory, for all the miracles and blessings You have poured out on our church family since March, and we plead for You to continue to bless, protect, guide and lead us during this time. We recognize that You alone are our source and sustainer, and that every blessing has come directly from You. God, we declare that Jesus is Lord over all, and that He alone is the head of this ministry. We pray that everything that is said or done brings honor to You, Jesus. We believe that You can do anything and we ask for Your continued blessings on our church.
In the life-changing Name of Jesus, Amen.