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Writer's pictureMichelle Staubs

Plan to Pray

I want to thank each of you for being a part of this prayer team and taking the time to lift up the requests of our church family, as well as covering our community and nation in your prayers. Your communication with the Lord is making an impact, and I am so grateful to each of you investing your time by going boldly before the throne of grace to ask for help in time of need. Our hearts are heavy now for all those who have been impacted by Hurricane Helene, and now Hurricane Milton. Please join me in prayer for God to put His hand of protection over those who have faced this devastation. Let’s ask the Lord to be real and personal in each life that is impacted. Let’s ask God to do exceedingly abundantly above all we can ask or think on behalf of those who are hurting, displaced, suffering, and trying to put their lives back together. Let’s ask God to supernaturally provide the basic needs of these precious people who have lost so much. Let’s ask God to strengthen the faith of believers, and draw unbelievers to Him, even in this crisis.

Daniel 6:10

"Now when Daniel knew that the writing was signed, he went home. And in his upper room, with his windows open toward Jerusalem, he knelt down on his knees three times that day, and prayed and gave thanks before his God, as was his custom since early days."

Why is it important to PLAN to pray? Simply because we are busy people, and our lives are filled with deadlines, careers, family, errands, kids, appointments, and the demands of everyday life. We all want to pray more, but our lives get hectic, and we forget to make

time for prayer. Sometimes we don't pray until we're in a crisis. We can get so busy doing good things, that we forget that prayer is the primary work!

Martin Luther said: "I have so much to do that I shall have to spend

the first three hours in prayer!"

Daniel, the Old Testament Prophet, is an amazing example of planning to pray. He prayed on his knees three times a day! Making time to pray can be simply setting an alarm on your phone to remind you, joining us on the Women’s Zoom Prayer Call on Monday mornings, asking a friend to pray with you at a set time, or getting up early to pray when it's still quiet. You can pray when your driving to work, walking the dog, or going on a run.

Daniel set specific times to pray each day, and we can see through Scripture that it deepened his relationship with God and was effective in making a difference in his generation. That’s what we are striving for – prayers that truly impact our world for the Kingdom of God. Prayer tells God that we are defendant upon Him, and when He moves on our behalf, it impacts others.

Prayer Points - Pray over these requests:

  • For God to give continued wisdom and discernment to Pastor Grant, the Mid-Way Staff, and Church Leadership.

  • That the power of the Holy Spirit would be felt during the preaching of God's Word during each and every Worship Service.

  • For continued protection for our Staff and entire Church family from the enemy.

  • For those who made decisions for Christ, on Friend Day, to grow in their faith and become devoted followers of Jesus.

Dear God,

I come before You in the mighty Name of Jesus, and I praise You for who You are and the ways you are working in our lives daily. I ask for You to continue to give wisdom and discernment to Pastor Grant, the Mid-Way Staff, and Church Leadership. Please lead our church in the path You have for us. Lord, I pray that the power of the Holy Spirit would be felt every time your Holy Word is preached, in the Worship Center and online. Lord, I lift up every person that has been impacted by the recent hurricanes, and I ask for you to intervene as only You can. Lord, please use even this crisis to draw people to Yourself. I pray that you would increase the faith of believers, as you provide every need they have (Philippians 4:19) and supernaturally protect and sustain them. I ask that those who are

far from You, would call out to You for help during this devastating time. Lord, we praise You that no one has gone too far, that You cannot save them. I ask You to help them to rebuild their lives, and their communities in Jesus’ Name. And Lord, I ask You to turn everything the enemy meant for evil against us, for our good and Your glory.

In the Mighty Name of Jesus,


In Christ Alone,

Michelle Staubs

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