Women's Prayer Team - Week #27
One of the sweetest sentiments from my husband came out of a season where I looked a lot differently than I typically do now. When Hugo and I entered into our dating season, I was working full time at Chestnut Ridge Camp & Retreat Center. I was living in the woods, working in the woods, living my best life, all in the woods! Our dress code at camp was comfortable, and my wardrobe consisted of a lot of typical sporty outdoor attire. When I began to attend Mid-Way, (even before dating Hugo) I began to desire clothes that would be more appropriate for church on both Wednesday nights and Sunday mornings. The first time Hugo asked me to have coffee, I decided to wear a very large t-shirt, soccer shorts and Birkenstocks. I look back now and laugh because I would wear something quite different for a coffee date. I asked Hugo recently what he thought about my fashion choices on that specific day, and his answer was something I didn't expect. He said, "Oh I didn't mind - I really liked who you were and your heart. It didn't matter to me so much what you were wearing."
Prayer Tip # 27 – Our God Looks at the Heart
"But the Lord said to Samuel, “Do not look at his appearance or at his physical stature, because I have refused him. For the Lord does not see as man sees; for man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.”
1 Samuel 16:7
My husband's words that day were a perfect representation of how our sovereign Lord looks at us. He tells us in His Word in the book of 1 Samuel that He is not like man (who looks at the outward appearance). He says to Samuel and therefore to us; "the Lord looks at the heart." Israel was in need of a stable King after many years of Judges coming and going. A worthy candidate based on outward appearance was chosen - but the downfall of King Saul comes soon after his reign began. This is when David, one of the least likely to be chosen for a position such as King based on appearance, family status and age, comes into the picture. The Lord saw the heart of a King in David. He could see a heart that a King of His own people should have.
I am the first to admit that I would love to purchase my very own designer bag someday, but it is an important reminder that the Lord is paying close attention to our hearts. I pray that this fact about our Lord is a blessing to you today. I pray that for some it is also an important reminder that we, as Christ followers, should also be quick to look at the hearts of others before taking judgement on their outward appearances. I am grateful for the example that my husband was and still is in this way.
Prayer Points: Please pray over these requests:
Lord, thank You for Who You are.
Help me to remember that You are not like us - You look at our hearts before our outward appearances.
Lord, help my heart be one that is honoring to You.
Thank You for forgiving me when I am quick to judge based on outward appearances.
Dear Jesus,
Thank You for Your living Word. It is a lamp unto our feet. You are a Good Good God that sees what man cannot and does not want to see. It is true that You see our hearts, therefore we trust You to convict them when they are deceitful. Help us to look more like You today, Father. Guide us in Your truth each and every day, oh God.
In Jesus' Name, Amen.
Katie Gutierrez