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Meet with the Father in a Solitary Place

Writer: Katie GutierrezKatie Gutierrez

Women’s Prayer Team - Week 3

One of my favorite questions to ask someone is whether they consider themselves introverted or extroverted. Whether they are stimulated and energized by being around others, or whether it drains them of energy. I do believe there is a spectrum, and that it doesn't have to be an all or nothing answer. Considering myself, I find I am somewhere in the middle; not 100% introverted, but also surely not extroverted. I will say, it's almost a weekly occurrence that I will run out of social battery and recede into my car as my ultra-extrovert husband talks until there's no one left to speak to.

PRAYER TIP #3 – Meet with the Father in a Solitary Place

"Now in the morning, having risen a long while before daylight, He went out and departed to a solitary place; and there He prayed."

Mark 1:35

Jesus is the man being referred to in the above passage. The day before, Jesus had worked tirelessly and He healed many. Before He had gone to sleep that night, He even ministered after nightfall to the whole city that had gathered together. Jesus would have been depleted. The scripture says that He went to pray, "having risen a long while before daylight." From this we know Jesus made less time for sleep and more for prayer. Jesus knew that personal time alone with God was His source of strength.

The word "solitary" is defined as "done or existing alone." While it is good and important for us to join with others in the presence of God with the people of God, there is much in our Christian life that can only be learned and experienced in a solitary place with Him. In Colossians chapter 3, Paul says, "your life is hidden with Christ in God." We must find ways to consistently and earnestly hide away with God our Father.

After feeling a sense of motivation for the New Year, one quiet evening at home by myself turned into quite the productive and meaningful use of a few hours. I tackled our "storage room" of the house which had quickly become a dumping ground for anything and everything. Upon cleaning this room, I found a desk we had been gifted for our wedding that we had not found room for yet...or so we thought. Without much thinking or rationalizing, I ripped the box open and started constructing the wood pieces together and fashioning them as the directions said. After a while, a beautifully simple, but perfect little desk space appeared in our "storage room," and it has swiftly become one of my most favorite places in our home. It is not the most glamorous, but it is a solitary place that I can be alone with God.

I am eager to ask Jesus whether He would have considered Himself introverted or extroverted during His time as an earthly being. I don't know what He will say, but I do know that He found it absolutely necessary to take time away from His disciples and those around Him, and find a solitary place to be with His Father.

Prayer Points:

  • Lord, thank You for giving us a perfect example in Your Son, Jesus.

  • Lord, help me to find time and find places to be alone with You.

  • Lord, teach me that time alone with You is of great value.

  • Lord, allow our time together to mold and shape me how You would want it to.

Suggested Prayer - Pray these words in your heart or out loud:

Dear Father,

Thank You for allowing us a way to meet with You in solitary places. I am thankful You sent Jesus to show us the way and teach us how to live closely to You. I pray You would help us to see how desperately we need You, and how our soul is nourished when we commune with You. We need You more and more. Allow our time in our spare rooms, our cars, our nature walks, all our different places of solitude to be pleasing and honoring to You. Fill us with hope as we trust in You, God. In Jesus' Name, Amen.


Katie Gutierrez



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