Women's Prayer Team - Week 35
When I was little, I greatly looked forward to the “next big thing,” My Birthday, Christmas, the TGIF Lineup! The older I got, I understood that most of life could possibly be spent living in the in-between, as in, in-between “next big things,” and that made me sad! It seemed like so much time had to pass before the next event. The richness of everyday life would obviously be missed if I chose to live life with this thinking. This season of life I am in right now involves raising kids, lots of them, ages 4 up to 15, an absolute wild ride! Sometimes, at the end of a day, I feel accomplished and fulfilled, at other times, completely unsuccessful, and I go to bed with every surface space in my house sticky and wondering what I could have done differently or done more of. I want to be a good steward of the time that God has given me... Words like, “Killing time,” or “Passing the time,” have always made me cringe a little, always feeling the gravity and weight of time. I am more aware of this one life He has set before me to live, and I don’t want to just “kill time” but make each moment purposeful.
For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works,
which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.
Ephesians 2:10
God has a plan and a purpose for me for each day that He gives me and I don’t want to miss it! On the hard days, I get so caught up in the feelings and the overwhelm of life, but the truth is that Jesus is my firm foundation through it all! I could not even face the day and all the tasks without that knowledge. On my own strength, I get “it” wrong a lot of the time, I make decisions based on my feelings, which most of the time, are all lies. But Praise God, He reminds me of Truth. When I am walking and abiding with Him, I know the truth from the lies. He not only gives me strength for today, but He is my source of strength my whole life. He is faithful and can be trusted. He has given us so many “little stories” in His word to show us this. He is involved in all the details of each one of us, in every season, in every circumstance.
However, when He, the Spirit of truth, has come, He will guide you into all truth.
John 16:13
And the rain descended, the floods came, and winds blew and beat on that
house; and it did not fall, for it was founded on the rock.
Matthew 7:25
The Lord is my strength and song, And He has become my salvation.
Psalm 118:14
Prayer Points:
● God, Please make me more aware of how I am using the time you have given me.
● I want You to be my foundation, to build everything on You!
● I want to abide in You, to live in Your strength, not my own feeble attempts at success.
Father, Thank You for Your Word, for all the stories that are proof of Your love and concern and constant guidance in the lives of Your children throughout History. I want my foundation to be You. I want You to guide me, to teach me, and to help me to live out the specific purpose that You have for me each day. Don’t let me miss it by leaning on my own understanding and trusting my feelings over Your truth. I want an abundant, rich life in You
In Jesus’ Name, Amen
In Christ,
Brandi Loch