We often face situations that are beyond our ability to control. One of the reasons we pray is because we realize that if God does not intervene in a certain set of circumstances, we are without relief. God's heart is moved when His children pray and is the giver of all good things. Keep in mind that prayer forces us to learn to wait, and we need to wait patiently for His timing. As we quiet our hearts before the Lord, the chaos settles down around us and life calms down when we pray.
"For those who are in a difficult strait, under pressure, up against a wall, facing a test - perhaps the greatest in their lives-we ask that You [God] remind them that the saint who advances on his or her knees never retreats. Help them remember that You are still on Your throne and they are still at Your footstool...with only knee's distance between the two of you."
- Chuck Swindoll
Prayer Tip # 9 - Leave the Burden with the Lord
"O Lord, I pray, please let Your ear be attentive to the prayer of Your servant, and to the prayer of Your servants who desire to fear Your name; and let Your servant prosper this day, I pray, and grant him mercy in the sight of this man."
- Nehemiah 1:11
Christians are to be known as people of prayer because we believe that God is more than able to handle situations that are beyond our control. Let's remember to leave the burden with the Lord, rather than pick it up and carry it around after we claim that we are trusting God with it. Resolve yourself to commit to praying; "Right now, Lord receive this burden and I cast it onto You, knowing that You are equipped to handle it better than I ever will be."
Prayer Points-
Thank God that He is in control.
Tell the Lord your difficult situation.
Let God carry your burden.
Trust God to answer your prayers in His way and timing.
Father in heaven, we call on You today for we know that You are the giver of all good things and You are in control. Thank You that Your heart is moved when Your people pray. Please remind us that the most important thing to do when we face difficult situations is to pray. I lay this difficult situation before You. (Express the trial you are facing.) Lord, I choose to release this burden to You and I will trust You to work it out in Your way and Your timing. Make me open to Your solution even if it wasn't what my expectations were, for I know that Your ways are higher than mine. I praise and thank You for You are a trustworthy God.
In Jesus' Name, Amen