Women’s Prayer Team - Week 36
This Sunday, October 16th, is FRIEND DAY at Mid-Way! We are so excited at how the Lord is going to work in the lives of each NEW guest that is invited. I want to encourage you that now is the time to reach out and invite someone to join you!
A simple invitation can have a powerful effect. Taking the initiative to invite a friend or family member to church can stretch you out of your comfort zone. It can feel a little intimidating. Your mind may be filled with thoughts of: "What will they think?", "Will they say No?", "What if I offend them?" But statistics show that 83% of people came to church simply because a friend or family member invited them. You can make a positive impact in the lives of your friends and family members by reaching out!
The Billy Graham Association says that the average Christian can identify
7 unchurched people that they have a personal relationship with.
They conducted a national survey and 82% of the non-churched say
they would come to church with a friend or relative if invited.
There ARE people around us who are simply waiting for someone to reach out to them. There are people who are searching for meaning in their lives. I am so thankful that years ago, someone invited my Mom to church. That simple invitation has had a positive ripple effect on our family. My Mom heard the gospel, became a Christian, and God radically changed her life all because of that one invitation. Since then, she has followed the Lord and raised her children in the ways of God. I am forever thankful for that ONE friend who invited my Mom to attend church with her.
The first step to inviting a friend is to PRAY. Pray that God would lay someone on your heart to invite. Then pray that God would prepare the heart of that person to be receptive to the invitation. Pray that the enemy would not hinder them from coming with you in any way. Pray that they would say yes, and that nothing would prevent them. Pray that they would have a good experience at church. Pray that they will be receptive to the work of God in their life.
Here are a few ways that you can INVITE a friend or family member to church:
Invite them face to face
Make a personal phone call
Text them and let them know you would love for them to be your special guest
Share Mid-Way’s Friend Day Invite on social media
Say, “This Sunday is Friend Day at my church, and I thought of you. Would you like to join me?”
However you invite, make it personal and heart-felt. Let them know that you thought of them and would love for them to join you! Then, follow up with them on Saturday afternoon for a reminder. They can come to your Small Group as well. It’s up to you! You never know what is going to happen when you take the time to invite someone to Church!
John 1:45-46
Philip found Nathanael and said to him,
“We have found Him of whom Moses in the law, and also the prophets,
wrote—Jesus of Nazareth, the son of Joseph.” And Nathanael said to him,
“Can anything good come out of Nazareth?” Philip said to him, “Come and see.”
In this passage, Philip invited Nathanael. Nathanael pushed back and was skeptical, but Philip simply said, "Come and See." We don't have to explain everything, just simply invite and let the Lord begin to work in your friend's life. It's not our job to make people come to church. It's our job to simply be obedient to the Holy Spirit, invite those He has put on our heart, and allow Him do the heart-work that only He can do.
Prayer Points:
Lord, open my eyes to those around me that I can invite to church.
Lord, show me someone, who I haven't noticed before, that would benefit by coming to our church
Jesus, give me the courage to step out in faith and invite someone, even when it pushes me out of my comfort zone.
Lord, prepare the heart of my friend, ______________, that I want to invite to church.
Father God, I pray that You would stop the enemy from hindering my friend from coming.
Suggested Prayer - Pray these words in your heart or out loud:
Father God,
I come before You in the Name of Jesus, and ask that You would open my eyes to those around me, in my circle of influence, that I can reach out to. Lord, give me courage to step out of my comfort zone to invite them to church. Jesus, I thank You for the finished work on the cross that You purchased with Your blood. I praise You that we can worship You freely. Help me not to take that for granted and to be aware of the spiritual needs of those around me. Prepare the hearts of those that I am going to invite, even now.
In Jesus Name, I pray, Amen.
In Christ Alone,
Michelle Staubs