A thankful heart is a happy heart. How many times have you been discouraged, and when you really stop and think about it, you have a lot to be thankful for? This has happened to me many times. I can get so focused on the ONE THING that is so frustrating, that I forget to thank God for ALL the THINGS that are so good in my life. Maybe you feel this way too.
Prayer Tip #28 - Give Him Thanks "Enter into His gates with thanksgiving, And into His courts with praise. Be thankful to Him, and bless His name." - Psalm 100:4
Thanksgiving is less than a week away, and I want to approach this season with a thankful heart. I have a little jar on my dining room table called a "gratitude jar." and beside it, I have placed small slips of paper. I'm encouraging my family to help me fill up this little jar with notes of gratitude to God. In every season of our lives, no matter how hard, we can find blessings to praise God for.
As we enter God's presence in prayer, let's begin with thanksgiving - praising Him for all His goodness and blessing His holy Name. He has been with us and sustained us through it all. What can we give God for Thanksgiving? A sincerely thankful heart - that's what He wants from His daughters.
Prayer Points -
Lord, I thank You for the blessings of my family, friends, home, and possessions.
God, I thank You for Your guiding and sustaining presence during this difficult year.
Jesus, I thank You for Your free gift of salvation and the indwelling Holy Spirit.
Lord, I thank You for hearing my prayers and loving me unconditionally.
God, I thank You for the Holy Bible, the Word of God that is Your love letter to me and nourishes my soul.
Lord, I come before You with a thankful and grateful heart for all the many blessings You have poured out on me. I thank You for my family, my friends, my home, and the comforts of life. I thank You for Jesus, who purchased my freedom from sin on the cross. I praise You for Your guiding and sustaining presence and indwelling Holy Spirit. And I bless Your Name for loving me unconditionally and meeting all my needs. In Jesus' Name, Amen.