The New Year is a fresh start and we will have a more profitable 2021 if we focus forward. We should learn from past mistakes, forgive those who have offended us and strive to discipline ourselves to focus on the Lord. Focusing on the Lord will be challenging at times because we will be tested by distractions that constantly tug at us for our attention, time and emotions. Every day there is a different path set before us, will we choose the path of righteousness or unrighteousness? Focusing on Jesus and His sacrifice on the cross that granted us eternal life, for all who believe on Him, should be a holy reminder that our complete loyalty should be to Jesus! Don't allow things to distract and rob you of a year of getting to know Christ better and walking in His beautiful plans and purposes for your life.
Prayer Tip #1 - Focusing on Jesus is Necessary for Spiritual Progress in 2021 "Looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God." - Hebrews 12:2
Many of us wear glasses to see more clearly. Without glasses, we would be trying to find visual clarity in a blurry mess. We must surrender our fears, worries, or anything that would drain us of our hope in Christ and blur our focus. Jesus knows all. He knows what we need and the correct time we need to have it. We must ground our spiritual focus in faith that God is in control. He is completely trustworthy and gave us the example of a sacrificial life. Jesus stayed focused on God's will and paid the price for our salvation.
PRAYER POINTS- (Pray to the Lord)
Dear Heavenly Father, I forgive in Jesus Name those who have hurt and offended me and I trust You to heal my damaged emotions.
You call us Your disciples and as Your disciples we are to learn to be disciplined, help me to grow in this virtue.
May I be conscious to stay organized so that I will not get carried away from focusing on You by needless distractions.
Help me to continually practice expressing thanksgiving and praise to You for the blessed sacrifice You gave freely for the salvation of mankind.
You are worthy of all our focus, for You are the Holy One who lived a sinless life and reached out to us with the gift of eternal life! May we cherish our salvation through Your shed blood, oh Savior, by thanking and praising You regularly. We acknowledge and confess our negative emotions to You and submit to the Holy Spirit's control. Help us as we practice these holy habits of praise and confession of sin, so we will be productive by steadfastly focusing on You. Help us we pray to stay on the path of righteousness laid out for us every day. Keep us from yielding to the flesh and living a life that doesn't glorify You. We ask that we would increase in maturity by looking continuously to Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith. We choose to yield to the purposes of Christ. Help our faith to grow and rest in the fact that You are always in control and trustworthy. Thank You Lord, that You will fulfill Your plans for us as we follow You and focus on Your perfect example.
In Jesus' Name, Amen