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Writer's pictureMichelle Staubs

Find Your Identity in Christ

Our Women’s Ministry is called FLOURISH, based on Psalms 92:13, “Those who are planted in the house of the Lord Shall flourish in the courts of our God.” At Mid-Way, we desire to see women FLOURISH in all areas of their lives, but most importantly in their relationship with God.

One of the ways that we can FLOURISH is to embrace our identity “IN CHRIST.” Once we have placed our faith in Jesus as our Savior, then we begin discovering the ways that He has made us into a new creation.

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation;

old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.

2 Corinthians 5:17

The moment we put our faith in Jesus, we are now God’s Child, we belong to God, we are a member of the Body of Christ, we have been completely forgiven of all our sins, we have been made right with God, and SO much MORE! But it takes time to uncover these truths in God’s Word and then believe them!!! We are saved by faith, but we are to continue to live our lives by faith in who God is and who we are, IN HIM!

Because of Jesus, you have a whole new IDENTITY – forgiven, chosen, accepted, established, anointed, sealed, and you are God’s workmanship! All of this is true of you as soon as you put your faith in JESUS. But like a prisoner who remains trapped, unaware that someone has unlocked the prison door, we can remain in that prison. Jesus had opened the door for us through His death on the cross and as we take steps to move out of that prison and embrace who we are IN CHRIST, we will begin to flourish.

As you read God’s Word, and discover truths of who you are in Him, write them down. When you find it hard to believe a truth, ask God to give you the faith to accept what He says in His Holy Word about you. Small steps of faith in the right direction lead you to freedom in Christ!

Prayer Points - Pray over these requests:

  • Pray that God would enable you to embrace your identity in Him.

  • Pray that you would know and believe the truth about what God says about you.

  • Ask the Lord to help you find your identity and purpose in Him alone.

  • Praise God that He has made you a new creation in Christ Jesus

Father God,

I come before You in the name of Jesus and I ask that You would enable me to embrace my identity in You. Help me to get these truths deep down in my heart and soul. I don’t want to believe lies that others have said about me, but only what You say is true about me. God help me to find my purpose, identity, meaning, and my significance in YOU, Jesus! I praise You that I am a new creation in Christ Jesus, and that You are making me more like Jesus every day. I submit to Your will and plan for my life.

In Jesus’ Name,


In Christ Alone,

Michelle Staubs

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