When I was much younger, I had a distant relative who was living a bit of a crazy life and who we knew hadn’t accepted Jesus to be his Savior. My family had been witnessing to him and praying for him for years, but it didn’t seem like it was making much of a difference. As a child, I prayed for him all the time. I even remember asking my Sunday school teacher every week to pray for him in class, but nothing seemed to be changing.
I’m sure we’ve all had times when it seemed like our prayers were hitting the ceiling and going unheard. It could be about health concerns, financial issues, problems in a friendship, an unsaved friend or family member, or any number of other requests. It can be difficult to keep praying for the same request, but according to the Word of God, we have reason to keep going.
“And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap
if we do not lose heart.”
Galatians 6:9
Prayer Tip #47 - Don't Give Up!
It takes strength to keep praying for the same request again and again, especially when it seems like that request is going unanswered. But take heart! Don’t give up! Keep doing good, living the way that the Lord calls you to live and praying for the things and people that you know to pray over. The perfect, Holy Word of God says that we will reap in the right season, according to His will and His plan. He hears our prayers, and we can trust Him with our requests. Do not lose heart!
(In case you were wondering, after many years, my relative did give his life to Christ.)
Prayer Points - (Pray over these requests)
Thank the Lord for His promise that “in due season we shall reap."
Pray that the Lord will give you strength to keep doing good.
Pray that you will not grow weary.
Pray for a loved one who you know needs Christ.
Suggested Prayer - (Pray these words in your heart or out loud):
Dear Heavenly Father,
All of Your promises are so good, Lord! I praise You for giving us the promise that we will reap in the proper time if we do not give up. I ask that You give me the strength to keep doing good and to keep praying. As Your Word says, let me not grow weary, but instead let me begin again with a revitalized spirit. Help me to always live according to Your Word.
I pray all these things in Jesus' Name,