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Be faithful in the small things.

Writer: Jordan BeatonJordan Beaton

I’m not very good at completing big projects. Whenever I've had to do big papers or longer group projects in school, I’ve always felt overwhelmed and intimidated by the number of things I have to get done. I have a bad habit of procrastinating until the last minute, and then trying to rush through everything the night before the work is due.

Luckily, I’ve begun to figure out a trick that helps me complete my work earlier with a lot less stress. If I break down the project into smaller sections, then everything feels much more manageable. I can focus on finding one source for my essay or writing one paragraph of my work, and then, piece by piece, I finish my project. I’ve found it works a lot better than staring at a ten-page requirement on a rubric and panicking. Focusing on consistently doing the small things is one of the best ways to accomplish the big things.

“He who is faithful in what is least is faithful also in much;

and he who is unjust in what is least is unjust also in much.”

Luke 16:10

“His lord said to him, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant;

you were faithful over a few things, I will make you a ruler over many things.

Enter into the joy of your lord.’”

Matthew 25:21

When you want to run a race, take one step; when you want to write a story, type one word; when you want to play a song, strum one chord. Keep doing the small things, and they will add up in the end. You’ll be able to look back and realize you ran a marathon, wrote a novel, or played a symphony.

The same is true in the Christian walk. We want to see the big, exciting things in the path that God has for us. Sometimes, God allows us to see in the distance a big piece of His plan for us. But often the path that we are called to take is foggy and clouded, and we can only see that very next small step. The truth is, the path that God has for each of us is filled with “small” things that God tells us to do—reading our Bible, praying to Him, showing compassion to those around us, and sharing the Gospel with those we meet. When the path is cloudy (and even when it’s not), God has given us these things to keep us on track. And just like in the other areas of our lives, after continuing in a lifetime of living the way God asks us to, we will be able to look back and see the wonderful plan He was working out in us all along. The big, exciting things that God has for our lives are built on all the small, consistent, godly habits that we make along the way. When we’re not sure exactly what to do, we have to remember the small things that God calls us to live out daily.

Prayer Tip #9 - Be faithful in the small things.

Prayer Points - (Pray over these requests)

  • Thank God for giving us access to Him and His Word.

  • Pray that God will reveal what He wants you to do in your life.

  • Ask God to help you be faithful in prayer, in Bible reading, in showing compassion, and in sharing the Gospel.

  • Pray that you will continuously live inside God's will for your life.

Suggested Prayer - (Pray these words in your heart or out loud):

Dear God,

Thank you so much, Lord, for giving us Your Word. We are so blessed that You have chosen to use us in Your great plan. I praise You for giving us specific things to continue in daily. I ask that You would help me to be faithful in these things, even when they feel difficult. Lord, please help me to always walk in the path that You have for me. Help me to never stray away from Your will for my life.

In Jesus' precious Name, Amen.



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